on receiving charitable assistance by beneficiaries
1. General provisions
1.1. This agreement of the Charitable Organization “Charitable Foundation ‘Open Planet UA'” on the receipt of charitable assistance by beneficiaries (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is a Public Offer and is concluded between the Beneficiary and the Charitable Organization “Charitable Foundation ‘Open Planet UA'”, registration code 45449719, (hereinafter referred to as the “Organization/Donor”), with the subject and essential terms of the Agreement specified below.
1.2. A response agreeing to enter into the Agreement under conditions different from those proposed by the Organization shall be considered a rejection of this Offer and simultaneously a new offer to the Organization from the Beneficiary who made such a proposal.
1.3. The period for providing a response (acceptance) and the validity period of this Offer shall be considered valid throughout the time the Organization carries out its statutory (charitable) activities until its liquidation, in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
1.4. The Agreement is considered concluded from the moment the Organization receives a response accepting this Offer through the submission of an Application for determining the category of a person in need of charitable assistance (hereinafter referred to as the “Application”) in electronic or written form.
2. Terms used in the agreement
2.1. Public Offer – the current proposal of the Organization for providing charitable assistance (in the form of funds, property (goods), property/rights, work, services) aimed at a defined circle of Beneficiaries – natural persons, as specified in the Organization’s Statute and posted on the Organization’s website.
2.2 Acceptance – full and unconditional acceptance of the Offer by the Beneficiary through the submission and sending of the Application, the electronic form of which is posted on the Organization’s Website, or by filling out the Application in written form and submitting it to a representative of the Organization. The Offer is considered accepted from the moment the Organization receives and processes the respective Application.
2.3 Charitable Assistance – gratuitous transfer by the Organization of funds and/or property (goods) into the ownership of the Beneficiary, gratuitous transfer of rights of use and other property rights over assets and property rights, gratuitous provision of services and work performance for the benefit of the Beneficiary in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations” and the Organization’s Statute, in a procedure specifically determined by the Organization/Donor to achieve the goals and implement the objectives of its statutory (charitable) activities, as well as fulfilling the terms of this Agreement.
2.4 Donor – the Organization that, based on principles of voluntariness, irrevocability, and gratuity, carries out individual and collective charitable activities in areas defined by the Organization’s Statute, based on the Law of Ukraine “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations” and the Organization’s Statute in a manner and under conditions independently approved by the Organization.
2.5 Beneficiary – a recipient of charitable assistance; within the meaning of this Agreement, a natural person who receives and uses charitable assistance from the Organization in the form of funds, property (goods), property rights, work, and services under conditions and in a manner independently approved by the Organization, in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine and the Organization’s Statute.
2.6 Application for Determining the Category of a Person in Need of Charitable Assistance – a form reflecting information about a natural person, enabling the Organization to assign them the status of a Beneficiary, determine the type of charitable assistance needed by the Beneficiary, and ensure that such assistance aligns with the fields of charitable activity within which the Organization carries out its statutory (charitable) activities.
2.7 Application for Determining Needs – a form reflecting information about the type and amount of charitable assistance in the form of property (goods) that a Beneficiary (natural person) needs to receive.
2.8. Other definitions used in this Offer text are applied and understood by the Parties as defined in the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Tax Code of Ukraine, and the Law of Ukraine “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations” dated July 5, 2012, No. 5073 (hereinafter – Law No. 5073).
3. Subject of the Agreement
3.1. The subject of this Agreement is the gratuitous and voluntary transfer of charitable assistance from the Organization to the Beneficiary in the form of funds and/or property (goods), rights of use, and other property rights over assets and property rights, the gratuitous provision of services and work performance for the benefit of the Beneficiary in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations”.
3.2. Charitable assistance in the form of funds, whether in cash or non-cash form, as well as in the form of property (goods), is provided by the Organization to the Beneficiary based on this Agreement and an act of transfer of funds/property.
3.3. Charitable assistance (funds) in the national currency (hryvnia) in non-cash form is transferred to the Beneficiary’s bank account, as specified by the Beneficiary in the Application.
3.4. Charitable assistance (funds) in the national currency (hryvnia) in cash form, as well as charitable assistance in the form of property (goods), is provided by an authorized person of the Organization at the location and during the period determined by the Organization. Information regarding the time and place of the distribution of charitable assistance (funds) is communicated in advance by the Organization to the Beneficiaries. In case the Beneficiary cannot personally receive the charitable assistance in cash and/or in the form of property (goods), it may be issued to their legal representative and/or an authorized representative.
3.5. The amount of funds and/or the type, name, and quantity of property (goods) to be provided to the Beneficiary is determined by the Organization according to the needs of the Beneficiary, as specified by the Beneficiary in the Application for Determining Needs, as well as the conditions of charitable programs, projects, grants, considering the financial and other material and organizational capabilities of the Organization, based on principles of fairness and reasonableness.
3.6. Charitable assistance in the form of work performance and/or provision of services to the Beneficiary is carried out by the Organization through the engagement of business entities (contractors, service providers) on a contractual basis for the direct performance of a specific type of work/provision of a specific type of service for the Beneficiary and subsequent payment by the Organization in the manner and under conditions stipulated in contracts with contractors/service providers.
3.7. The provision of charitable assistance in the form of the gratuitous transfer by the Organization of rights of use and other property rights to the Beneficiary is based on agreements concluded between the owners of property rights, the Organization, and the Beneficiary or based on agreements concluded between the Organization and the Beneficiary (in cases where the Organization is itself the owner of such rights).
3.8. The execution of this Agreement is not intended to generate profit for the Organization/Benefactor, nor any other material or intangible benefits in exchange for providing charitable assistance.
4. Acceptance
4.1. Acceptance of the Offer (acceptance of the terms of the Offer) means that the Beneficiary agrees with all its provisions, is familiar with the Charter of the Organization, which is posted in electronic form on the Organization's Website, is fully aware of and agrees with the subject of the Agreement, the purpose and objectives of the statutory (charitable) activities of the Organization.
4.2. The Beneficiary's acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Offer must be full and unconditional.
4.3. By accepting the Offer, the Beneficiary confirms that he is familiar with Appendix 1 to this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as Appendix 1) and gives his voluntary consent to the collection, processing and use of personal data in the manner provided for in Appendix 1. The Beneficiary's consent may be revoked in the manner established by the current legislation of Ukraine and Appendix 1.
4.4. By accepting the Offer, the Beneficiary consents to the Organization's use of the means of communication specified by him in the Application.
4.5. This Agreement is concluded on the terms of the accession agreement and is considered concluded from the moment of acceptance of the public Offer. The Parties agree that from the moment of acceptance of the Offer, this Agreement is considered concluded in writing in accordance with Articles 207, 634, 639, 641 and 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine and the norms of the Law of Ukraine “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations”.
4.6. The Beneficiary’s completion of the Application in electronic or written form is considered accession to this Agreement.
4.7. Acceptance of the Offer does not require the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of a separate written document between the two parties. The absence of a separate bilateral written Agreement does not render the terms of the Agreement invalid.
5. Rights and obligations of the organization and the beneficiary
5.1.1. Provide charitable assistance to the Beneficiary under this Agreement.
5.1.2. Independently determine the goals and procedure for using charitable assistance by the Beneficiary.
5.1.3. To exercise control over the use of charitable assistance by the Beneficiary in a manner and within the time limits determined by the Beneficiary.
5.1.4. Change the Beneficiary of charitable assistance in the event of the latter violating the goals and/or procedure for its use.
5.1.5. Independently change the volume and timing of charitable assistance, taking into account one's own financial capabilities and other resources, informing the Beneficiary about this.
5.1.6. To withdraw from this Agreement at any time due to the absence and/or insufficiency of financial, organizational, technical or any other resources/opportunities to provide charitable assistance to the Beneficiary.
5.1.7. Other rights enshrined in the current legislation of Ukraine arise from the essence of this Agreement and/or are provided for by the agreements specified in clauses 3.6, 3.7 of this Agreement.
5.2.1. Inform the Beneficiary about the place, date and time of the procedure for receiving and transferring charitable assistance in the form of funds and/or property (goods).
5.2.2. To use, process and store the Beneficiary's personal data (hereinafter referred to as personal data), use photo and video materials with his participation exclusively within the limits and for the purpose specified in Appendix 1 and the Agreement itself, as well as on the grounds and in the manner specified by the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection".
5.2.3. Do not allow the disclosure of personal data by members, volunteers, employees and other representatives of the Organization in any way for the benefit of third parties, including state authorities, local governments, except for cases provided for by the legislation of Ukraine and only (if necessary) in the interests of national security, economic well-being, human rights and for the conduct of the All-Ukrainian Population Census. The confidentiality of personal data remains valid during the term of this Agreement and after its termination, except for cases established by the legislation of Ukraine.
5.2.4. To maintain the confidentiality of confidential information entrusted to the Beneficiary or which became known to the Organization in connection with the conclusion and/or performance of this Agreement. Confidential information is any information to which third parties' access is restricted by the Beneficiary, as well as information recognized as such on the basis of the current legislation of Ukraine.
5.2.5. Respect the honor and dignity of the Beneficiary, observe business etiquette, and monitor the proper fulfillment of this obligation by members, volunteers, employees, and other representatives of the Organization.
5.3.1. When receiving charitable assistance in the form of funds and/or property (goods): To own, use and dispose of the funds and/or property (goods) received as charitable assistance from the Organization in accordance with the goals and conditions determined by the Organization. To interact with the Organization within the framework of legal relations for the provision of charitable assistance. Unilaterally refuse to receive charitable assistance by notifying the Organization using the email address (hereinafter referred to as the email address) or by calling the Organization's contact number +38 098 152 25 43 (hereinafter referred to as the contact number). Ask the Organization to change the terms and schedules for receiving and transferring charitable assistance using email or contact phone number. Request a change in the goals and/or procedure for using charitable assistance with the written consent of the Organization or its legal successors. Other rights provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine or arising from the essence of this Agreement.
5.3.2. When receiving charitable assistance in the form of the right of use, other property rights to property and/or property rights: Interact with the Organization within the framework of legal relations for the provision of charitable assistance. Use movable and/or immovable property (hereinafter referred to as "property"), the right to use which is provided as charitable assistance, in good faith and with care, in accordance with the goals and procedures defined by the Organization. Maintain the property received for use in a condition suitable for use for its intended purpose. To use property rights granted by the Organization as charitable assistance, in accordance with the goals and procedure determined by the Organization. Unilaterally refuse to receive charitable assistance by notifying the Organization via email. Request a change in the purpose and/or procedure for using charitable assistance with the written consent of the Organization or its successors. Other rights provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine and/or arising from the essence of this Agreement, and/or defined in the agreement provided for in clause 3.7. of the Agreement, or arising from its essence.
5.3.3. When receiving charitable assistance in the form of performing work/providing services: To use charitable assistance in the form of performing work/providing services in accordance with the goals, procedure and conditions determined by the Organization. To interact with the Benefactor during the execution of this Agreement. To require the contractor and/or executor engaged by the Organization to perform work/provide services as charitable assistance in a proper and timely manner. To monitor the quality and appropriateness of the performance of works/provision of services as charitable assistance by the contractor/executor engaged by the Organization. Require the contractor/executor engaged by the Organization to correct defects and/or deficiencies related to the performance of work/provision of services as charitable assistance. To receive from the contractor/executor engaged by the Organization documents (copies thereof), materials, any other information on the progress of the work/services provided as charitable assistance and the results of their performance/provision, to require the contractor/executor to provide written reports on the work performed/services provided. For the payment of penalties, compensation for losses and other material or immaterial damage caused by the contractor/executor engaged by the Organization through failure to perform work/failure to provide services or improper performance of work/provision of services as charitable assistance, other violations of their obligations, in full. Unilaterally refuse to receive charitable assistance by notifying the Organization via email. Request a change in the purpose and/or procedure for using charitable assistance with the written consent of the Organization or its successors. Other rights provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine and/or arising from the essence of this Agreement, and/or defined in the agreement provided for in clause 3.6. of the Agreement, or arising from its essence.
5.4.1. To use charitable assistance provided by the Organization in accordance with the goals, conditions and procedure determined by the Organization.
5.4.2. At the request of the Organization, provide a report on the use of charitable assistance in the form and within the time period established by the Organization.
5.4.3. To be liable for damage and/or destruction of property, the right to use which was granted to him by the Organization as charitable assistance, in the manner and within the limits determined by the current legislation of Ukraine and the terms of the agreement specified in clause 3.7 of this Agreement.
5.4.4. To assist the contractor/executor engaged by the Organization, as well as the Organization itself, in matters of providing charitable assistance, in particular, to provide the necessary documents, materials, and other information, the use of which determines the legality, appropriateness, and timeliness of the provision of charitable assistance.
5.4.5. Other obligations stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine arise from the essence of this Agreement and/or are provided for by the agreements specified in clauses 3.6, 3.7 of this Agreement.
6. Final provisions
6.1. Charitable activities will continue until the Organization decides to terminate them, about which Beneficiaries will be informed by posting relevant information on the Organization’s Website.
6.2. Any disputes arising in connection with the conclusion and execution of this Agreement or related to it shall be resolved through negotiations between the Parties. If a dispute cannot be resolved through negotiations, it will be resolved in court under the established jurisdiction and according to the current legislation of Ukraine.
I, the Beneficiary, who has accepted the Public Offer on providing charitable assistance to beneficiaries by the CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION “CHARITABLE FOUNDATION ‘Open Planet UA'” (hereinafter referred to as the Organization), consciously and voluntarily grant my consent to the Organization in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” for the automated and non-automated processing (including collection, accumulation, storage, and use) of my personal data (including collection, accumulation, storage, and use) of my personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, registration number of the taxpayer’s account card, contact number, email address, and other data), voluntarily provided by me when requesting charitable assistance.
By signing this consent-notification, I confirm that I have been informed in writing about the inclusion of my personal data in the Organization’s Beneficiaries database, the purpose of processing personal data, as well as my rights, as provided in Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection”:
- To know the sources of collection, location of my personal data, the purpose of their processing, the location or place of residence (stay) of the controller or processor of personal data or to instruct authorized persons to obtain this information, except for cases established by law;
- To receive information about the conditions of access to personal data, including information about third parties to whom my personal data are transferred;
- To access my personal data;
- To receive a response within the period established by the legislation of Ukraine regarding whether my personal data are processed, as well as to receive the content of such personal data;
- To present a reasoned request to the data controller objecting to the processing of my personal data;
- To present a reasoned request for the modification or destruction of my personal data by any controller and processor of personal data if these data are processed illegally or are inaccurate;
- To protect my personal data from illegal processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to intentional concealment, failure to provide or delay in providing them, as well as to protect against the provision of information that is inaccurate or damages the honor, dignity, and business reputation of an individual;
- To file complaints about the processing of my personal data to the Commissioner or the court;
- To apply legal remedies in case of a violation of the legislation on personal data protection;
- To make reservations regarding the restriction of the right to process my personal data when giving consent;
- To withdraw consent to the processing of personal data;
- To know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data;
- To protection from an automatic decision that has legal consequences for me.
Moreover, according to Article 307 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, I, the Beneficiary, who has accepted the Public Offer on providing charitable assistance to beneficiaries by the CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION “CHARITABLE FOUNDATION ‘Open Planet UA'” (hereinafter referred to as the Public Offer, Organization), consciously and voluntarily grant my consent to the Organization to conduct photo and video recording for the purpose specified in clause 4.4 of the Public Offer.
The consent to conduct photo and video recording may be withdrawn by the Beneficiary by notifying the Organization at the email address
This consent-notification remains valid indefinitely.
Signed by the Authorized Representative:
Charitable Organization “Charitable Foundation ‘Open Planet UA’
Location: Ukraine, 01010, Kiev, 5/2A Knyaziv Ostrozhskyh Str.,
Registration code 45449719
President of the Foundation: Roman A. Protopopov
Frequently asked questions
How to get urgent help from the "Open Planet UA" fund?
If you find yourself in a situation where you need urgent help, you can contact the fund's hotline number +38 098 152 25 43.
What help can be received from the "Open Planet UA" fund?
We provide assistance to adults and children who find themselves in difficult life circumstances. Our activities are carried out within the scope of the fund's activities and projects implemented jointly with international organizations.
In each region, various services are provided, which may include the provision of psychological assistance, social support, access to school and preschool education, we provide humanitarian aid, strengthen the work of public services and public organizations.
To learn more about help in your city, you can contact the fund's hotline number +38 098 152 25 43 or email us at
How to join the cooperation with the "Open Planet UA" foundation?
We are open to cooperation with organizations, businesses and authorities in accordance with the directions of the fund's work within humanitarian standards, uarainian and international legislation.
We are a reliable partner for the implementation of charitable and social projects. We are trusted by international governmental and non-governmental organizations. By cooperating with us, you contribute to the achievement of permanent changes in society. You can contact us at the email address or the fund's hotline number +38 098 152 25 43.
How to support the activities of the fund?
The Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization that implements its activities at the expense of charitable contributions from individuals and legal entities at the organization's expense.
Bank Details for a charitable contribution can be found at this link.
By supporting our activities, you give a second chance to people and families who are in trouble. On our website, we report on the funds raised and implemented programs and talk about how together we change the lives of people who were forced to ask for help for the better.
We do not only solve current problems with food, home or clothes. We help people change their lives - find a job, study, earn their own money. We want people who are in a difficult situation to be able to feel the strength within themselves to rebuild and improve their own lives.
How to contact the representatives of the fund?
For any questions, you can contact the fund's hotline number +38 098 152 25 43 or write to us at